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Save Your Family from Fire

Use Common Sense

Most fires are caused by smoking or faulty electrical insulation.

  • Don't smoke in bed.

  • Don't empty ashtrays before you go to bed.

  • Supervise young children - keep matches out of reach.

  • Don't overload electrical circuits.

Have a Family Escape Plan

Young children and older people are very vulnerable to fire injuries. Teach them in advance:

  • How to exit the house with practice fire drills

  • Not to hide under beds or n closets in a fire

  • To leave the house by staying low and crawling on all fours

  • If clothing catches fire: STOP, DROP, and ROLL to extinguish it.

Equip Yourself

  • Install smoke alarms on every floor of your home

  • Test them monthly and replace batteries when needed.

It's important to have a fire extinguisher handy to put out small blazes. A class ABC multipurpose fire extinguisher is best for home use. Make sure it's kept charged, and practice using it.

  • Don't ever use water on an electrical or grease fire - it will just shock you or spread the fire.

If you do have a fire -

  • Get everyone out immediately.

  • Call the fire department from outside the house.

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